Adebola has over 15 years experience as a leader within the early childhood education and non-profit sector. She is equipped to offer training, consulting and advisory that offer solutions to existing challenges and co-creating innovative strategies for groups, initiative or organization’s advancement.
Some of her passionate topics include Anti-Black Racism, Effective Allyship, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion - Belonging (DEI-B), Building Leadership Skills, Storytelling for Change, Gender-Based Violence (Prevention, Interventions, Safety Plans), Building Helpful Relationships, ABCs of Networking, Simple Steps to Grant Writing, Developing Growth Mindset, Personal & Professional Development, Leadership Development, Envisioning Your Future, Goal Setting & Vision Boarding and workshops for Early Childhood Education & Childcare workers. She tailors training to specific needs of groups or organizations.
Adebola has led federal and provincial government funded research projects, facilitated training, workshops and provided keynote presentations at colleges, universities, community organisations within Canada and abroad. Let’s discuss your training needs.